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Science and geography teachers’ consultation event


We are inviting Science and Geography teachers to engage with climate change research! The Centre for Curriculum, Pedagogy and Curriculum at the University of Leeds is embarking on a new collaborative research project which focuses on engaging teachers in climate change education for curriculum development. This initiative aims to integrate scientific evidence from climate research...

POSTPONED - Schools as Enabling Spaces to Improve Learning and Health-Related Quality of Life for Primary School Children in Rural Communities in South Africa


Please note - this event has now been postponed.  An Autumn date will soon be released.   Please click here to register.   It is known that learning poverty has still been a critical issue in developing countries, especially in rural and disadvantaged areas where there are structural, social, and economic disadvantage challenges facing schools,...

A Load of Bumfuzzling Faradiddle: An Exploration of Language and Creativity in Science Education - Dr Simon Rees, Durham University


The School of Education Collective for Curriculum, Pedagogy and Policy (CCPP) is hosting this seminar, presented by Dr Simon Rees of Durham University, taking place on 15th June at 4pm – 5.30pm in the Hillary Place Coach House Seminar Room. Chair: Dr Michael Inglis Please click here to register for this event.  For any enquiries,...

Nature Matters – Reconceptualising Nature in Environmental Education


School of Education Doctoral Student, Sam Lee, will present this School of Education Research Seminar on Thursday 18th May at 4pm in the Hillary Place Coach House Seminar Room. Please click here to register for this event. Abstract: Current conceptualisations of nature have failed us. Despite the evident threat posed by anthropogenic climate change, we...

Special Issue Launch - Reflecting on Freire: A praxis of radical love and critical hope for science education


Reflecting on Freire: A praxis of radical love and critical hope for science education Co-edited by Betzabé Torres Olave University of Leeds, Sara Tolbert University of Canterbury, Alejandra Frausto Aceves Northwestern University. Editor's biographies:  Betzabé Torres Olave: is a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Education at the University of Leeds, and a former school physics...

School of Education Research Seminar Launch - Prof. Vanessa Kind presenting


The launch of the monthly School of Education Research Seminar Series kicks off with a presentation by Professor Vanessa Kind. Launch of the School of Education Research Seminar Series Thursday 10th November at 4pm – 6pm in the Coach House Presented by Professor Vanessa Kind Teachers' collaborative orientations for laboratory work in science: Implications for...

Celebration of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Policy Research


The Collective for Curriculum, Pedagogy and Policy Research invites you to learn about our current research activities and future plans. Projects we are celebrating include: “Teacher Wellbeing & Burnout” “Foundational Number Sense (FoNS) - from post-its to estimation” “Science mentoring in schools” “Edubots: best practice for chatbots in education?” “Digital literacies in 21st century classrooms”...

9th ERME Topic Conference: Perspectives on conceptual understanding of flexibility and number sense in arithmetic


The European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (ERME) Topic Thematic Working Group 02 ‘Arithmetic and Number Systems’ is pleased to announce the 9th ERME Topic Conference (ETC9) on ‘Perspectives on conceptual understanding of flexibility and number sense in arithmetic’. The conference will take place online, hosted by the Centre for Curriculum, Pedagogy and Policy,...

ICY-CCPP Reading Group: Roger Slee - Belonging in an Age of Exclusion


The next ICY-CCPP Reading Group meeting will be discussing the work by Roger Slee, who has recently been appointed Diamond Jubilee Chair in Disability and Inclusion at the University of Leeds. Roger will also give a keynote in one of our forthcoming events (more details will be posted here soon). Main Reading: The Reading Group meetings...

UCL webinar: The Impact of Covid-19 on Key Learning and Education (ICKLE) project


In this webinar, Dr. Hannah Nash (School of Psychology) will present the preliminary findings from the UKRI-funded ICKLE project, which is investigating the impact of COVID-19 school disruption on the progress of children who were in reception in 2020 and are now in Year 1. ICKLE is a joint project between the Schools of Psychology,...