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Call for papers

TWG2, established in 2011, attracts people to a forum to discuss both theoretical and empirical research on the teaching and learning of arithmetic and number system. The scope of our group has always been open from kindergarten to 12th grade. For the last two CERME (10&11) conferences, discussion and presentations have evoked a desire to go deeper into specific themes. The first of those themes we wish to explore is: Perspectives on conceptual understanding of flexibility and number sense in arithmetic.

The various topics captured within this theme include whole numbers, integers and rational numbers as well as representations and problem solving using numbers and operations related to each of these domains. The call for abstracts and new researcher poster proposals invites submissions of substantial research-based proposals (theoretical, methodological, empirical or practical) from a wide range of perspectives, including cognitive, socio-cultural and developmental ones. We especially welcome contributions related (but not strictly bounded) to the following issues in the development of arithmetic and number systems through the two key number themes of Flexibility and Sense.

Authors must state which theme their abstract relates to and offer a short rationale/explanation. However, issues tackled can be quite wide; below are some examples of the issues in the development of arithmetic and number systems:

  • Developing a deep understanding of arithmetic and number systems
  • The role of conceptual understanding and procedural skills for learning numbers and operations
  • Developing number sense and structure sense as a foundation for flexibility with numbers and operations
  • Developing flexibility as a foundation for mastery with numbers and operations
  • Roles of models for teaching and learning arithmetic and number systems
  • Approaches for teaching and learning of Flexibility, Sense and Adaptive Expertise in inclusive education
  • Using tools (e.g. technology, manipulatives) in learning and teaching
  • Supporting and analysing long-term learning processes from kindergarten to 12th grade to develop number sense and flexibility
  • Cultural tools and practices for learning and teaching towards number sense and flexibility
  • Approaches for teachers’ professional development in the teaching of number sense and flexibility.

Abstract and New Researcher Day poster proposals should follow the instructions in the guidance on submission. The authors should submit their 2-page abstract to (sending it both as a .doc and a .pdf file) and provide the required information, in particular choose one of the two main themes to which their abstract applies: Flexibility or Number Sense. The deadline for proposals is 14th April 2021.

Reviews and decisions

Each abstract will be go through an acceptance process to ensure the appropriateness, focus and clarity of the abstract meets the conference aims. The group leaders will decide about the acceptance of posters. Decisions will be announced by the 28th April 2021.

Note that the conference is designed to be progressive in its depth of discussion and participant engagement throughout the conference in true CERME style. We expect to produce at least one publication from this conference. Further information will be offered at the conference.

Please direct any questions to the coordinator (